Damage of reading Indonesian phrase with dislexic patients in Medan: neuropsycholinguistics analyze

Kerosakan membaca frasa bahasa Indonesia bagi penderita disleksia di Medan: Analisis neuropsykolinguistik

  • Gustianingsih Gustianingsih Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Dwi Widayati Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Elmeida Effendi Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Ali Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Damage Writing, Thinking, Dyslexic Patients, Indonesian phrase


The objectives of this study were (1) to classify the damage of reading Indonesian phrase in Dyslexic Patients (PDS) (2) Classify the disorder of neuropsychocognitive of  Dyslexic Patients (PDS). Theoretically this research explains there is intervention and ability concerning memories, productions, thoughts, meanings, and emotions that are very influential in someone's reading because of disordering in the brain. Given this research is very complex, so this research apply research and development method (research & development). This research is oriented to a cycle that begins with the collection of information research results in the form of difficulty reading and neuropsychocognitive. Dyslexic patient in research subject are 3 peoples.Method used for data collection is test reading and memories. The basic technique is used by using tapping technique, ie tapping the PDS 1-3 taken from Medan Extraordinary School.  Data analyzing in this research is to classified of difficulty of reading and memories and to classified long instruction in the sama time. The conclusions are (1) dyslexic patient could’nt read and thinking tree words or the complex words (2) dyslexic patient also difficult to understanding the long instruction, long term memories also damage.



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How to Cite
Gustianingsih, G., Widayati, D., Effendi, E., & Ali. (2021). Damage of reading Indonesian phrase with dislexic patients in Medan: neuropsycholinguistics analyze. RUMPUN JURNAL PERSURATAN MELAYU, 9(1), 62 - 68. Retrieved from http://rumpunjurnal.com/jurnal/index.php/rumpun/article/view/136