Morphological typology of Riau Malay Language

Tipologi morfologi Bahasa Melayu Riau

  • Azhary Tambusai Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Alwashlyah, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Morphological typology, Affixation, Riau Malay Language, Grammar


The purpose of this research is to explain the morphology typology of Riau Malay Language (RML). Linguistic typological studies on regional languages ​​still need to be done because there are still more grammatical questions about regional languages ​​that have not been analysed in their entirety. Typological research is language research based on the characteristics or types that are dominant in the language that can be used as a basis for morphological classification. This morphological typological study was conducted as an effort to participate in the development of regional languages. This research is a field research that was carried out in the Riau Province, Indonesia. The data was sourced from oral and written data. The data collection uses the refer method and the analysis of data is by the Agih method with the sloping technique, replace and lift. The results of data analysis are presented using informal methods. The theory used in this study follows Jufrizal (2004) and Comrie (1989). The results showed that RML affixes consisted of {meN}, {beR}, {teR}, {di-}, {peN}, {pe}, {peR-}, {ber-}, and {bese}; infix {-em-}, {-el-}, and {-er-}; suffix {-an}, {-kan} and {-i}; confix {peN-an},{peR-an}, {ke-an}, {ber-an}, and {se-nye}; The combination of affixes {mempeR-(-kan, -i)}, {me-kan}, and {di-kan} can be attached to the basic form consisting of nominal, verbal, adjective, adverb, and numeralia. Affixation that occurs can change the class of words (derivational processes) or not change the clasxs of words (inflectional process). Based on segmentability and invariance ofx RML affixes, it was found that RML is an agglutinative type of language.


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How to Cite
Tambusai, A. (2020). Morphological typology of Riau Malay Language. RUMPUN JURNAL PERSURATAN MELAYU, 8(1), 56 - 64. Retrieved from