Kemunculan teori-teori sastera janaan sarjana sastera Melayu merupakan satu fenomena baharu dalam dunia sastera di Malaysia. Kemunculan teori-teori difaktorkan oleh kelemahan-kelemahan teori sastera Barat yang disifatkan oleh beberapa sarjana Sastera Melayu di Malaysia sebagai tidak dapat menjelaskan makna dalam sesebuah teks hasil karya penulis Melayu Islam, atas alasan teoriteori sastera Barat tidak menitikberatkan aspek agama dan elemen jati diri Melayu. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memperincikan asasasas pembinaan teori sastera yang dijana oleh sarjana sastera di Malaysia dan sejauh manakah asas pembinaan teori sejajar dengan agama Islam dan sifat jati diri Melayu. Daripada kajian kepustakaan, terdapat empat asas yang dijadikan sandaran teori, iaitu Islam, Melayu, estetika, bahasa dan potensi kreatif. Teori Takmilah dan Persuratan Baharu berasaskan kepada Islam; Pengkaedahan Melayu berasaskan kepada Melayu dan Islam; Teksdealisme berteraskan potensi kreatif, teori Konseptual Kata Kunci berteraskan bahasa dan teori Rasa-Fenomenologi berteraskan Fenomenologi dan estetik. Teks sandaran penteori pula semuanya bersandarkan teks-teks Melayu dan tokoh-tokoh penulis Melayu, kecuali teori RasaFenomenologi dan teori Konseptual Kata Kunci. Hasil kajian juga ini menunjukkan bahawa teori-teori sastera yang dibina oleh sarjana Melayu di Malaysia tidak sepenuh dapat membebaskan diri daripada pengaruh teori Barat meskipun dalam masa yang sama berjaya menampakkan unsur jati diri Melayu dan Islam.
The proliferation of literary theories by Malay scholars is a new phenomenon in the Malaysian literary world. These theories are mainly reactions against the perceived inadequacies of Western literary theories to fully define and provide meanings to texts written by Malay-Muslim writers. The main justification given is that Western theories pay scant attention to the religious and self- definitive aspects of the Malay world. This paper attempts to provide the finer details of the basis from which the literary theories are formulated and to understand the extent of their relationships with religious and self- definitive aspects of the Malay world. This paper is a library research that advances four assumptions that underlie the theories: Islam, Malay, aesthetics, language and creative potentials. Takmilah theory and Persuratan Baru are based on Islamic principles; Pengkaedahan Melayu on Malay values and Islamic principles; Teksdealism is articulated based on creative potentials, the Konseptual Kata Kunci theory on language and the Rasa- Fenomenologi theory is developed through phenomenology and aesthetics principles. All texts analysed are Malay texts and written by Malay scholars, except for the Rasa-Fenomenologi theory and Konseptual Kata Kunci theory. Research findings explain that Malay theories are susceptible to the influence of Western literary theories although they manage to explore and rationalize ties that bind the theories with the Malay world and Islam.